First, I'm sorry for your loss.

Second, I felt this illustrates so much of our social lives so well. The people we know and love for being wonderful indiviuals are not perfect. They can often turn out to hold beliefs or have done things we find abhorrent. Sure, we could do the simple thing and cut them off, but simple and human and human relationship rarely mix well.

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Thank you for your condolences and for reading! You're absolutely right, and there is a huge difference to me between misunderstandings over upbringing like I had with my grandfather, and the outright racism and bigotry I notice in my mother from time to time. Granted, it wasn't until I cut her off for an extended period and really set up boundaries before our relationship improved. Human relationships are messy and complex and often contradictory, but our species will not survive without them.

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Erin- This is such a heartfelt and bright look into your life and Poppy’s. Perhaps one of the most admirable things from this essay is your ability to apologize even when it isn’t necessary (or is it)? Either way—I appreciate this nuanced writing (and life).

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Oh this comment means the world to me. Thank you Thalia!

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Absolutely, Erin-

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I'm sorry for your loss! The distance doesn't make it any easier, I'm sure. This was beautiful and honest and just rich with life & love. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks so much for reading 🥲

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